Performing Arts

Performing Arts

Head of Departments


The Department of Performing Arts at Hindu Girls’ College consists of the teaching of Vocal Music (Hindustani), Bharat Natyam and Tabla.

The Educator teaching Vocal Music is Mrs. Dabeedass Woosha Fagoonee.
Students learning vocal music have participated in many competitions organised at National level in the past. Our school has won many prizes too.

The Educator teaching Bharat Natyam is Mrs. Beharee Tejsree Bhangeeruthee.
Students learning Bharat Natyam show much interest in the subject. They perform beautifully on all specific occasions at school.

Mr. Durbarry Nishan is the Educator teaching Tabla.
Many students are learning how to play the Tabla. They even accompany our vocalist students during programmes. 

Once a student decides to learn Performing Arts whole heartedly, she has to adopt a life of discipline and dedication, devote some time of her daily life to the practice of her chosen Art. This regular daily practice influences her way of life. Gradually the learning of one of the Performing Arts inculcates so many good qualities within that one’s personality is enhanced positively.

All subjects encompassing Performing Arts help in the overall development of the student.
