Animal Welfare Club

Animal Welfare Club


Founding members: Miss R. Dwarika

                                    Miss J. Pidial

Other members: Mrs P. Kona Herkanaidu

                             Miss V. Naralloo


“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”- Mahatma Gandhi

Bearing this quote in mind, the Animal Welfare Club was founded in 2019. We started the club with the commitment of:

  • Promoting love, appreciation and compassion for animals
  • Educating students about the importance of helping and rescuing animals in distress
  • Helping students acquire good guidelines about how to properly raise a pet
  •  Increasing awareness about current issues affecting wildlife

A list of activities was hence carried out that year to meet the club’s objectives.

  1. An “In-Kind” donation was organised to collect items usually needed by animal shelters to support the proper care of their residents. This activity proved to be very successful. Students contributed generously in terms of food supplies, toys, grooming items, collars, leashes among others.
  2. Members of the club were granted permission to a field trip at PAWS South Shelter. This trip allowed pupils to learn about rescue animals and share this experience with their peers. All the goods collected were donated on that particular occasion.

Our hearts went pitter-patter when we interacted with the dogs and cats at the shelter. It was a blissful day.

  • Another activity organised had the theme “Celebrate our pets”. Staff members, students and ex-students were called on board to share a little glimpse of their beloved pets. This was met with a much favorable response.
  • An Endangered Species Awareness competition was also on the agenda. Pupils came up with posters, short stories, poetry and paintings for this task.
  • An exhibition was organised to display the photos of our beloved pets and the different posters made by students on endangered species.


Our venture continued into 2020 despite COVID-19.

  • An In-Kind donation was again organised to collect items that would later on be donated to PAWS South Shelter.
  • Also, a coin drive was planned to gather loose change (5 cents, 20 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 rupee). This was proposed as we were confident that these pocket change could add up consequently. All the money collected was exchanged at the bank and used to buy materials for the animal shelter.

            We received:

            4200 x 5 cents

            3685 x 20 cents

            368 x 50 cents

            105 x 1 rupee

  • Grades 7-9 also participated in a Quiz competition
